My first "crop" of Fenugreek

No justifying my absence from this blog, but I cant put a finger on why I have not made an effort to update it in the last few months...... sigh. 
Something new that I have been interested in is gardening/growing my own veggies. I share an apartment with two of my friends and have a balcony at my disposal. I also have tons of plastic bottles and other such material that can be be used in various ways. I therefore decided to grow some plants using these containers. 
Bottle 1

Bottle 2 with more methi

The outcome
I have tried my luck at gardening several time but I have always killed the poor plant and that is when I gave up. Since I love food, I decided to approach gardening with the aim of growing my own ingredients and it did work. Here are the images of my first batch of Fenugreek also known as methi. In fact I "harvested" my second "crop" yesterday and I do enjoy growing my own raw ingredients. With the first batch I made aloo methi and with the second I made some Brinjal methi. I love the tinge of bitter that the methi imparts!


  1. The thrill of having home grown products is something different.

  2. Great!

    You should post vegan recipes, good for our health and planet


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