My version of Burnt Garlic noodles with Grilled Tofu

So after a long break I decide that I need to blog more and talk about the food that I make . Slight deviation from what this blog was meant to be........ so sowieeeee !
Ok this weekend I made Burnt Garlic Noodles. I tasted it at a restaurant called Under the Mango tree in Bangalore and instantly fell in love. I do think that Garlic is the most bankable ingredient in any kitchen . This is a very simple dish and here is the recipe. Goes well with my Grilled tofu. I know I call this noodles but make it with pasta : Well who cares !!!!

Ingredients ( to cook for 1 )

Spaghetti : depends on your appetite
Garlic : peeled and sliced ( for a single serving I used 10 plump pods )
Red chillies : 3 ( roasted in the microwave for 10-12 seconds , careful not to burn them and then ground coarsely in a pestle and mortar with rock salt. PS : remove the seeds before grinding them)
Fresh coriander : Few leaves , finely chopped
Olive oil : 3-4 teaspoons

Method :

Cook the spaghetti to be a little more than al dente and set it aside
Heat oil in a pan and fry the garlic till a little more than golden brown. Set aside a few for the Garnish.
Now tip in the spaghetti and saute for a bit. Add the crushed red chillie flakes and saute. Add salt to taste and take it off the flame . Garnish with the chopped corriander.


Tofu , firm : Half a packet if you are a tofu freak like I am
Garlic pods : 4-5 with peel , slightly crushed
Olive oil

You need to marinate the tofu for at least 3 hours. So crush the garlic and rub it all over the tofu chunks ( ideally .4 cms in thickness, yes .4) . Now add some salt and olive oil and mix it well .
Leave this to rest in the fridge.
Grill on a pan till golden brown. Make sure the tofu is still soft and does not turn all rubbery.

Why I like this recipe : Minimal ingredients, very quick and a flavor bomb . Trust me !

Happy Cooking !
