Why I like picking up gifts

I decided to digress a little bit from the original intent of my blog and have made up my mind to write about things that I like doing or characteristics that perhaps define me! Why ? one might ask..... Honestly, no reason in particular.

I love picking up little knick knacks for friends & family and I often associate things to certain people, like a red VW beetle that always reminds me of a friend or owls ( owl shaped anything actually) that make me remember a friends mother who loves collecting anything with owls, or cat related items that remind me of my former flatmate......

When I recently travelled, I picked up chocolates for a new colleagues kids, kids I have never met, not even talked about too much, who's names I did not know at that point. I got to work the day I came back and handed them over to the friend. The very next day, I had two adorable cards sitting on desk. Not that I ever wanted anything in return, but those adorable cards just made me soooo happy and as I flipped through my photo album today , almost a month later, inspired me to get back to my dear blog, after what I think is a three year break
